Letters from a Bunna Man: Letter # 6 Part 1

To whom it may concern,

I guess it’s safe to conclude that I have learnt many lessons on how easy it is to get burn. The irony of calling myself a Bunna man hasn’t been lost on me, as every woman who I meet, seems to be an unfortunate cost to me. I have adjusted to my new home and have been focusing all my spare time into creating study desks, which have been instrumental as a distraction to think less about the opposite sex.  

 Anyway, during the two months period of my celibacy, I met  Shy-ann through Instagram who was interested in a study desk that I posted on my page. I told her that it wasn’t for sale, and then she asked if I was giving it away. She was relentless about the desk, and to be honest, I didn’t have anyone in mind to give it to, so giving it to her wasn’t such an issue.

 I arranged for her to retrieve the desk at a workshop that I have rented. When I saw her emerge from her car she wasn’t what I had expected. On her Instagram page, she had a cat for her Display Picture (DP) so the picture I had in my head was that of an older woman. She looked like she was in her late twenties and I later found out she was thirty-one. That day when she came to retrieve the study desk, she made me a business proposition of making ten (10) desks for her to donate to  two primary schools.  Her proposition was a good one  for a worthy cause so I agreed a I already had all the tools.

 We developed a semi-professional relationship as our business talks usually segue into personal matters. She inquired about my mother, if I had any brother just to get to the point of asking if I had a significant other. I explained to her that her gender has brought me nothing but heartache and utter misery time and time again, and that I was emotionally drained. She then began to tell me how she knows all about pain, deceit, betrayal, disgrace and shame. She made the point that when it comes on to the ills of relationships, both genders are to be blamed as they both hurt each other in unspeakable ways, and not all men and women are the same. I told her that I am yet to find a woman whose heart can be tamed and that I am done with playing games.  Her agreement on that point was resounding. 

That day, she shared her story with me of how her relationship ended and why she had been single for the past three years. She told me that her husband turned her into a sidechick (woman and the side ). At first I didn't understand how that could be, I didn't see the logic. She explained that her now ex-husband had his girlfriend pretending to be her, even using her name, whenever they  would go out together. She found out when someone from the hotel that they spent their honeymoon at five years before called  her to confirm the reservation for their second anniversary dinner and baby shower. She said she had always known about his infidelity but that's when she knew that she had enough and that her marriage was over.

Even with sharing such personal information from her past, that revealed a moment  of vulnerability on her part, we continued to keep our relationship professional. We fought but could not deny the chemistry that existed between us. I rebelled against it so hard, I could not entertain the idea, I simply could not manage  to trust after being hurt so much.

One day near the completion of the project we went for lunch to talk about finalizing the project. I was in the men’s room with my dick in my hand relieving my bladder. She walked right up to me and calmly said

I know that you have built Jericho walls around your heart, but I will slowly break them down even if it means that I will have to tunnel through the dark.  I know that hurt and pain is all you can see, but you deserve to be the happiest that you can be. I want to help you heal even though it may leave a scar, but I want to take a chance to find out what we are. I refused to be a prisoner to the fear of being hurt again, but I will be waiting for you, I will be patient. In the mean time I will leave my heart open in case you want to take a chance at love again

In the midst of walking away, she turned and  looked at my dick and said,

 By the way, nice  length, it would be a shame to waste all that good penis strength.

 Until next time,



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